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There are many ways to be socially active and build relationships: keep in touch with your family, meet your neighbors, check out community centers, do volunteer work, join a support group, get involved in community gardening, cultural events, art classes, yoga, moderate exercise, and more.

Several studies conducted over many years have found that predictors of health change over our lifetime.

  • Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark Harvard Study of Adult Development by George E. Vaillant, M.D (Little, Brown, and Company, 2003) is a fun read. It reduces complicated research to practical suggestions about how to improve your potential, no matter what your current age is. Check it out at your local county or city library to read more about the factors that predict healthy living.

  • A social support network contributes to physical and mental health. Staying in touch with family, neighbors and friends prevents feelings of isolation and loneliness. Community Centers and Area Agencies on Aging offer classes, card games, exercise, and film presentations. Transportation may be available.

  • Volunteering in your community can be rewarding. You meet people and your feeling of self-worth will increase when you contribute to the greater good. Read more about Civic Engagement to find volunteer opportunities.

  • Explore the AZ Links Socialization and Recreation page for additional resources.

  • Return to Emotional Well-Being

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