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Civic Engagement

Research tells us that satisfaction in life relies on three elements: physical fitness, mental stimulation and finding continuing meaning in your life. Civic engagement is one’s vital participation in society through regular time spent on community activities and goals. Meaningful participation in activities promoting the “greater good” can prevent isolation. It can also improve emotional health.

No matter your age or your physical and mental abilities, you have something to contribute. Your community needs people with experience and expertise, and you probably have something to offer that is needed.

There are many programs in Arizona where you can become involved. One of these is just right for you! What are your interests? Match them with needs in your community! Whether you want to be involved with the Special Olympics, schools, animals, parks, or whatever your heart desires - there's an opportunity waiting for you!

  • Questions to think about and ask others

    Start with these questions. They'll help you focus and point you in the right direction. Be sure to write down your answers.

  • If you are 55 years or older, check out the web site for Retired and Senior Volunteer Programs (RSVP). They have resources for finding all sorts of volunteer opportunities in Arizona.

  • At any age, the AZ Volunteer System will let you to find many volunteer positions in your County and to register online.

  • The purpose of ArizonaSERVES is to connect the resources of faith-based and non-profit organizations to the needs of Arizona’s most vulnerable citizens.

  • If you have a disability, check for opportunities with the Centers for Independent Living

  • A good source for information on the importance of staying engaged in life can be found in Marc Freedman's book, "Prime Time: How Baby Boomers Will Revolutionize Retirement and Transform America" (1999, published by Public Affairs).

  • More Resources: AZ Links Civic Engagement / Volunteer Resources

Suggestions? Comments? We welcome your input!